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October 27, 2019 by David Dont Delete

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Share Shed is an Australian-based website and online marketplace that connects a community of “Lenders” with “Borrowers”. Our Lenders are a collection of real individuals and businesses who are willing to share, lend and hire their own belongings to a trusted community of Borrowers. Our Borrowers are real individuals and local businesses that want to hire a diverse, vibrant, and quality array of things. Share Shed facilitates the communication exchange and booking processes between these parties – basically acting as a connectivity tool, bookings, and administration hub for almost any hire arrangement you can think of.

Think of Share Shed as the “Air BnB of things”. Just about anyone, anywhere can participate freely on this platform as a Lender, Borrower, or both. And there is almost no limit to what can be hired through Share Shed – sports and outdoor gear, tools and gardening equipment, events and catering equipment, clothing and music instruments are only the tip of the iceberg.

We welcome you to a new collaborative economy that aims to change the way people transact and simply make the world a better place.

Clear upsides for our Lenders include:

  • Earning more money and generating additional income
  • Channelling new friendships and networks
  • Hiring belongings entirely on their terms
  • Breathing new life into assets that sit around idle, literally gathering dust
  • Providing Borrowers with opportunity to hire things they can’t afford or access easily

Clear upsides for our Borrowers include:

  • Saving big money when hiring just about anything
  • Engaging in flexible and negotiable hire arrangements
  • Accessing heaps of different items for hire that can’t be found anywhere else
  • Meeting new people, making new friends, and forming useful networks
  • Reducing landfill and consumption waste

Share Shed is a website that makes hiring almost anything easy, safe, fun, fast and reliable. We verify every single personal profile and item listed on the platform and maintain a smart messaging and booking system so our Lenders and Borrowers can communicate and book items for hire with certainty, confidence, and trust.

Share Shed works a little bit differently, depending on whether you act as a Lender, a Borrower, or both.

As a Lender, you can:

a) List your things for hire and make them available to members of the Share Shed community – you must create a membership profile to do this
b) Completely define your very own terms of hire, including any requirements/prerequisites that Borrowers must meet
c) Upload as many item listings as you like
d) View and respond to Borrowers enquiries using our messaging service
e) Entertain dialogue and approve hire requests from Borrowers using our smooth messaging service and intuitive booking features
f) Create hire arrangements that are most convenient and suitable to you
g) Manage all upcoming, active, and completed bookings
h) Access all your trade history information

As a Borrower, you can:

a) Search for a specific item or simply browse the large catalogue of items available for hire on our website
b) Communicate, create, and formalize hire arrangements with the individuals and local businesses that make their belongings available for hire – you must create a membership profile to do this
c) Negotiate pricing and other favourable terms of hire with any Lender using our messaging tool and intuitive booking features
d) Book and hire as many things as you like
e) Manage all upcoming, active, and completed bookings
f) Access all your trade history information
PLEASE NOTE: Share Shed does not handle the payment, insurance and/or dispute aspects of any hire arrangement in any capacity. The Lender and Borrower must deal with these matters directly between each other.

On the bright side, Share Shed has developed a valuable and important tool for Lenders and Borrowers called the Hire Summary Form.  It is the backbone of every hire arrangement and provides structure, security, and clarity for all parties involved. For further detailed information about this tool, please refer to Item 9 in our FAQ section or click here (hyperlink “What is the Hire Summary Form?”).

Share Shed is absolutely free for everyone to use. No hidden fees, no gimmicks, no cost to anyone at all. Zero. Zip. Nada. That’s what free means!

We do not take a clip or percentage of our Lenders earnings and we do not manipulate or set prices for any item listed on our platform.

Almost anything you like – the sky is the limit! From a whipper snipper to a boat, a pram to a television, a summer dress to an e-bike. If you think that something of yours could be of benefit and value to someone else, create a listing and make it available for hire to the Share Shed community.

Share Shed has no intention of limiting the variety and number of things available for hire. We actually encourage the complete opposite and aim to populate our listings catalogue with all sorts of amazing and handy stuff. This list, or catalogue of things, is ever-growing, dynamic and spans a range of categories. Every day, we’re seeing new and diverse items being listed for hire by individuals and local businesses.

To get a flavour of what our other Lenders are sharing, you can click the Everything For Hire tab on the Share Shed home page (hyperlink?). This handy feature displays every single item that is currently listed and active on our website. Listing results can be refined by setting category, price and recent listing filters.

Popular listings and things we’re seeing for hire at the moment include camping and 4WD equipment, sports gear and clothing, power tools, furniture and appliances. But this is just the tip of the iceberg!

IMPORTANT NOTE: There are a few things that you cannot list for hire on Share Shed. They include stolen goods, firearms and anything related to the exploitation of children and/or animals. If you think it’s wrong to post, it probably is!

Each listing you post on Share Shed is reviewed and authenticated by our team. We will notify you via email if we deem a listing inappropriate and have complete authority to permanently remove it from your account.

Any individual or business that acts with integrity and kindness is welcome to use our service (basically just be a good person).

This means women, men or transgender of any age, sexual preference, ethnic or religious background, parents, students, pensioners, people with disabilities, travellers, tradies, homeowners, tenants, event planners and thrill seekers. This list goes on and on, but we reckon you’ve got the idea.

Perhaps the biggest question of them all!

In a nutshell, Share Shed does not handle any form of payment, insurance, or security deposit between you (the Lender) and the Borrower – you need to handle the money matters yourself. But not to worry. Share Shed has crafted a smooth and simple way to help you navigate the payment process.

Payment (and hire) terms are ultimately decided and set out by you (the Lender). A good, stress-free hire arrangement will always involve clear communication and instruction from you about how you want to be paid and how you want the hire process to work.

We urge every Lender to specify their preferred terms of payment in the “Description” section of an item listing. These terms might include:

  • Requiring the Borrower to pay a security deposit in cash on the day of hire; and/or
  • Requiring the Borrower to pay the entire hire fee upfront, via EFT or in cash, before the hire period commences.

Once a booking is confirmed, it’s important you provide clarity to the Borrower about the upcoming hire arrangement and your payment terms. Share Shed’s messaging feature allows you to do this – generate dialogue, improve understanding and keep lines of communication open.

The most important step of all requires the Lender to complete Share Shed’s Hire Summary Form. Accurately completing the Hire Summary Form (before a hire arrangement commences) will leave the Borrower under no illusion about what the hire arrangement will cost, and ultimately how and when they pay you. To learn more about the Hire Summary Form, please refer to our FAQ section.

The Lender establishes the terms for a hire arrangement, including price, availability, and criteria the Borrower must abide by. Share Shed plays no role in defining what these terms are and what information is presented – it’s entirely up to the Lender.

A Lender should outline their hire terms in the “Description” section of an item listing. Here, the Lender can reference details/product information about the item being listed, the current condition of the item, delivery instructions and criteria that the Borrower must abide by/satisfy. Some common examples of terms, or criteria, that Lenders apply to their hire arrangements include:

  • Requiring the Borrower to clean an item before its return (e.g. professional dry cleaning of ball dress with receipt to show proof of purchase/service, wash & dry 50 champagne glasses)
  • Requiring the Borrower to replace any missing parts, accessories or fuels (e.g. replenish petrol in a lawn mower, replace any lost golf balls from golf bag)
  • Requiring the Borrower to disconnect an electronic item from its power supply when unattended for long periods (e.g. switch off a charging battery pack for a camera)
  • Requiring the Borrower to provide their own safety equipment (e.g. helmet, gloves and shin guards for a mountain bike)
  • Requiring the Borrower to avoid making unnecessary adjustments or permanent changes to the item (e.g. altering the length on a pair of suit pants)

Importantly, Share Shed’s messaging feature gives the Borrower freedom to query and negotiate any terms of hire and booking details the Lender has set out. This notable and unique tool helps create a more flexible and personalized hire arrangement.

Once a booking is confirmed, the Lender is encouraged to complete and lodge the Hire Summary Form. The Hire Summary Form basically serves as the foundation, or reference point, for every hire arrangement. It neatly ties all the hire details together and clearly establishes the terms of a booking once agreed to by both Lender and Borrower. To learn more about the Hire Summary Form and its uses, please refer to Item 9 in our FAQ section or click here (hyperlink “What is the Hire Summary Form?).

The Hire Summary Form serves a critical role in defining the specific terms of a hire arrangement and storing important information like:

  • Current contact details for both Lender and Borrower
  • A current, government-issued photo ID of the Borrower
  • The total cost of a hire arrangement
  • The start and end dates of a hire arrangement
  • The security deposit requirement and other additional fees payable by the Borrower
  • The Lender’s description of the item and photos that show its current condition
  • Delivery and return instructions
  • The Lender and Borrower’s digital confirmation and agreement to the terms and conditions that are defined in the Hire Summary Form.

Once a booking is confirmed, the Hire Summary Form is only made available to the Lender and can be viewed under the “My Lending” feature/section.

It is highly recommended that the Hire Summary Form be completed and lodged by the Lender when face-to-face with the Borrower on the day of hire (i.e. just before a booking period starts).
This allows the Lender to retain full control of the deal, while also giving the Borrower an opportunity to clarify and approve many aspects of the upcoming hire arrangement.

The Hire Summary Form should be filled out and completed to the satisfaction of both the Lender and the Borrower. Share Shed auto-fills several fields on this Form to save time and confusion (these fields can be edited by the Lender). But there are still many other important fields that are intentionally left blank and require shared, combined input from the Lender and Borrower. These include:

  • Uploading a clear photo/image of the Borrower’s driver’s licence, or other form of government-issued ID
  • Specifying a security deposit, payable by the Borrower
  • Checking the “Security Deposit Received” box, once the security deposit has been paid in full by the Borrower
  • Applying any additional fee/s to the hire arrangement, payable by the Borrower
  • Checking the “Additional Fees Received” box, once any additional fees have been paid in full by the Borrower
  • Detailing what’s included and not included in the hire arrangement
  • Uploading several, clear images to show the current pre-hire condition of the item
  • Specifying courses of action that may be taken if something goes wrong and the penalties that apply
  • Specifying any special condition/s that apply
  • Specifying an address for the delivery/pick-up/return of the item

To lodge the Hire Summary Form, both Lender and Borrower must provide digital approval of the hire arrangement. Digital approval is recognised when the Lender and Borrower check their respective “Agreement Confirmation” boxes. The Borrower will be required to check their approval box on the Lender’s smart device or verbally authorise the Lender to check the box on his or her behalf.

When the Lender submits the Hire Summary Form, a confirmation email is immediately sent to both the Lender and Borrower, outlining all the agreed terms and details of the hire arrangement.

AN IMPORTANT FINAL NOTE: Regardless of item value and the complexity of the hire arrangement, Share Shed strongly recommends completing and lodging the Hire Summary Form. It creates structure, understanding and a legal footing for both the Lender and Borrower, particularly if something doesn’t go to plan. Just make sure the Form is filled out correctly, in detail and in a timely manner.

Share Shed is not responsible or liable in any capacity for items that are stolen, damaged, inoperable and/or made faulty before, during or after a hire arrangement. We are not responsible or liable in any capacity for damage caused to 3rd party property (or property of your own). Nor are we responsible or liable in any capacity for the harm, suffering, injury, or death endured by any person or living animal. These rules apply all the time when you participate on the Share Shed website. It does not matter whether a hire arrangement has started, concluded or is about to start. And it does not matter whether you act as a Lender, a Borrower or both. The story is the same – Share Shed is not responsible, liable, obligated or burdened to resolve any of these issues that may arise during a hire arrangement.

When you register and sign up as a member of Share Shed, you agree to these above conditions (and a bunch of others). Please click here (hyperlink) to digest and review our “Website Terms & Conditions of Use”.

But please don’t worry, there’s nothing to stress about – Share Shed has developed a simple tool kit and guide you can rely on in the unlikely event a hire arrangement goes pear-shaped.

Firstly, Lenders and Borrowers can always write to us with any query, issue or complaint at:

Through this channel, we can provide assistance and helpful tips on how to address, handle and resolve a dispute that may arise from:

  • An item being stolen, damaged and/or made faulty
  • An item being unsafe, inoperable and/or unfit for its purpose
  • Damage to other personal or 3rd party property
  • Personal or 3rd party harm, suffering, injury and/or death

Second thing – and most importantly – much of our guidance and handy tips focus on preparing properly for a hire arrangement before a booking period commences. The Lender and the Borrower play equally vital roles in this preparation and pre-planning. Share Shed urges both parties to complete and lodge the Hire Summary Form before a booking begins – this is a hugely important document that can come to your rescue if a dispute arises during a hire arrangement. The Hire Summary Form summarizes and houses all the important details for a hire arrangement and can be drawn on for reference and legal standing. It also provides the Lender with a blank canvas, or opportunity, to outline the actions that may be taken if something goes wrong.

These actions might include:

  • When the Lender can claim on the Borrower’s security deposit, partially or fully
  • When the Borrower is entitled to a refund, partial or full
  • When a report to the police, or other authority, will be lodged

To learn more about the Hire Summary Form, please refer to Item 9 in our FAQ section or click here (hyperlink “What is the Hire Summary Form?”).

Thirdly, the Lender can mitigate hire risks and potential disputes by:

  • Acting reasonably, fairly and with kindness. At the very least, do whatever a normal, ordinary, sensible person would do – basically, this means that the Lender should communicate openly, honestly, in good time and try to resolve any issues directly with the Borrower, without escalating a claim. In almost every circumstance, an easy resolution can be reached
  • Providing a detailed and up to date personal member profile on Share Shed
  • Being cautious of hiring a valuable item to an unreviewed or poorly rated Borrower
  • Seeking out an accredited and reputable repairer or tradesman if there is a need to document and prove the cost of necessary repair and/or replacement
  • Lodging a police report, when reasonable. A police report is often required when making an insurance claim for damaged or stolen property
  • Checking with their insurer/s (if any) to see if an existing home and contents policy, a business insurance policy, or any other form of cover can be drawn on

Fourthly, the Borrower can also help mitigate hire risks and potential disputes by:

  • Treating, handling, and respecting a Lender’s item like it is their own
  • Acting reasonably, fairly and with kindness. At the very least, do whatever a normal, ordinary, sensible person would do – basically, this means that the Borrower should communicate openly, honestly, in good time and try to resolve any issues directly with the Lender. In almost every circumstance, an easy resolution can be reached
  • Providing a detailed and up to date personal member profile on Share Shed
  • Being cautious of hiring a valuable item from an unreviewed or poorly rated Lender

Lastly, don’t forget that there is always a small associated degree of risk when sharing, lending, hiring, borrowing or buying anything. But trusting your judgement and acting with integrity will always help, no matter what situation unfolds.

The more information and detail you can provide about yourself or your organization, the better. There are a few things you can do to create a good, engaging Share Shed profile:

  • Ensure your membership profile is up to date with a current mobile phone number and an active email address you access regularly
  • Attach a photo of your current driver’s licence or any other form of government-issued ID like a passport
  • Ensure your location is accurate and current
  • Ensure you attach at least one clear, identifiable profile picture of yourself
  • Include a short description about yourself and your interests
  • Include links to your social media accounts like Meta (formerly known as Facebook), Instagram, and Twitter
  • Attach a link to your website if you registered as a business member

Doing all these things will boost your chances of hiring and transacting within the Share Shed community. To put it simply – a good profile builds credibility and trust amongst fellow members and they’ll always find it easier to engage and trade with you.

Yes of course! Lenders don’t participate on Share Shed just to make money – the real beating heart of this community is to empower and expand opportunities for others and build meaningful, resourceful networks with people throughout Australia (and the world).

Massive kudos to the Lenders that continue to hire out their belongings for free. We’re certain these acts won’t go unrecognized. But if they do, karma is quite a force!

Never hesitate to ask us for help. Drop us a line anytime at: